Sensual Lips

SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it.

Beatifull Skin

PROTECT YOUR SKIN FROM THE SUN Human skin is the outermost part of the body. With a surface area of skin between about 1.6 square meters for a woman to 1.8 square meters for a man, make the skin become the largest organ in the human body and spacious. However, the skin can be damaged, especially by the sun. Sunlight on the skin can cause skin cancer.

Eye Pouch

EYE POUCH All women who exist in this world would agree that the lower eyelids is one of the greatest scourge that must be avoided. Eye bags, ruin the appearance and make us face to women, be not pretty. Eye bags also make us less confident at the time should appear in front publilk. In essence, the eye bags making our face is not good in view of the eye.

Aedes aegypti

Outbreaks of dengue fever that attracted worldwide attention first appeared in Manila in 1954. Most cases of dengue fever occurred in the country located in the tropics and subtropics. This is not surprising because the mosquitoes love with a warm environment to live. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a carrier of the disease dengue fever virus.

How to Process a Dream?

Dream is closely related to sleep. The occurrence of what he dreamed a dream and sometimes becomes an intriguing question, so you'll want to know what happens when we sleep. Each fall asleep, we generally must have been dreaming. Within 8 hours of sleep, the average person experiencing the dream as long as 100 minutes. However, most of which occurs not remember dreams. There are about 95% of dreams are not remembered.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Excessive Fear Can Trigger Stroke

Almost everyone has experienced moments when feeling anxious and afraid. This condition is very annoying and can affect the lives of those who often experience that can sometimes trigger depression.
Not only that, a recent research indicates that even people who have fear or anxiety have a greater risk of stroke. This research involved approximately 1082 older adults without comorbidities such as dementia, which is then assessed levels of anxiety using a measuring instrument.

Having observed during the three and a half years, there were 258 participants who died. To find out the cause, then the researchers conducted an autopsy on the brain area of the participants who had died. The results showed that people who have the highest levels of anxiety, increased risk of stroke are difficult to detect by 2.4 times, and increased risk of stroke are easily detected by 1.8 times.

In its findings, the researchers are taking into account other risk factors related to motor functions of the brain, cardiovascular risk and neuroticism (tendency to feel anxious and depressed). The study will be published in the American Stroke Association in New Orleans United States.

Caffeine Affect Women's Hormone Levels

Caffeine levels were causing changes in female sex hormone, estrogen. Although in the short term effect is not known, but excessive caffeine consumption should be limited in the long run.
Estrogen together with progesterone produced in the ovaries in the reproductive period. In addition to helping to control ovulation, estrogen to maintain bone strength and regulate cholesterol. Together with progesterone, the hormone needed to prepare the body of a woman facing a pregnancy.

Consume 200 milligrams of caffeine or more than one cup of soda and other caffeinated beverages will cause an increase in estrogen levels. The impact of this increase in estrogen levels were different between women with a female Asian Caucasian (white).

More than 250 women aged 18-44 years were included in the study carried out between the years 2005-2007. In general they mengasup 90 milligrams of caffeine per day, equivalent to a cup of coffee.
Those who consume 200 mg or more caffeine per day is known to increase estrogen. However the increase is not considered significant because it has not effect on the process of ovulation or the menstrual cycle.
Caffeine taken by the women came from coffee, soft drinks, black tea and green tea.

"These studies suggest caffeine consumption in women of childbearing age affects their estrogen levels. In the short term may not be noticeable impact, but if you drink caffeine habit is certainly no impact lasts a long time," said Enrique Schisterman, lead researcher.
He explained, in the long term changes in estrogen levels can lead to various disorders such as endometriosis, osteoporosis, endometrial, and ovarian and breast cancer.

Female Sex Hormones Know

The hormone is undoubtedly a big role in our lives. In the female sex hormones work together in an intricate pattern, so that the function of the reproductive cycle running smoothly.
The main female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone is produced mainly in the ovaries in the reproductive period. Women in all stages of life, function and production of sex hormones is also varied.

Although the childhood of new active hormones at puberty, actually affects the body's hormones have since in the womb. If we look at, often newborn babies (male or female) have breasts that look great, sometimes followed by the release of a little milk.
This happens because the flow of the hormone estrogen from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy. However, this condition is only temporary and disappear within a few weeks. Although in some baby girls breast enlargement may still be live until the child is 2 years before finally disappearing completely.
At the age of puberty is the release of sex hormones will affect sexual development, sexual characteristics, and fertility. Important milestone of puberty in girls is breast budding growth, the emergence of hair in the pubic and armpit, and menstruation. Pubertal process takes approximately 4 years.

During puberty, a girl from the pituitary gland increases the secretion of two key hormones, namely folicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Both types of hormones are essential for the release of eggs and menstruation.
In addition to the adult age helps control ovulation, fertilization, and pregnancy, estrogen helps maintain bone strength and regulate cholesterol. Progesterone works with estrogen to prepare the body of a woman facing conception, pregnancy, and helps regulate the menstrual cycle.

This hormone also plays an important role in the growth and regulate body fat distribution in women so that more fat deposits in the thighs, buttocks, and hips. In the meantime, testosterone helps build muscle and bone.
Pregnancy If the egg can be fertilized and pregnancy, hormones change dramatically in the body of a woman. Usually decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone that are common at the end of the menstrual cycle does not occur. Instead, a new hormone, human chorionic gonadotrohin (HCG), produced for the development of the placenta, stimulate the ovaries produce more estrogen and progesterone are necessary during pregnancy.

At the age of 4 months of pregnancy, the placenta takes over the job as a producer of primary ovarian estrogen and progesterone. This hormone makes the uterine lining thicker, increase the volume of blood circulation, and relaxes the muscles in the uterus so that more space is available for infants.
Before the birth, other hormones take over the role to help the uterus to contract during and after childbirth. This hormone also stimulates milk production.

After birth After birth, levels of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones plummeted, causing physical changes. Uterus will return to its original size before pregnancy, pelvic floor muscles increases, and the volume of blood circulation back to normal. This dramatic hormonal changes often lead to postpartum depression.

Menopausal hormonal changes that occur when other significant female menopause. In the 3-5 years before the end of the menstrual cycle, normal ovarian function begins to decline. This makes the menstrual cycle shorter or longer. Sometimes the ovaries produce less estrogen so it does not thicken the uterine lining does not occur until the end of menstruation.

Overall survival in women, estrogen helps protect the heart and bones, as well as keeping the breast, uterus, and vagina in a healthy condition. That is why, the decline in estrogen levels during and after menopause can affect health, but also trigger the uncomfortable symptoms. Loss of estrogen causes a large number of women at higher risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Another problem is the vagina to become dry and uncomfortable during intercourse.

3 Important Hormones for Women

The scientists discovered at least 50 different types of hormones are wandering in our bloodstream. However, all three of these hormones are very important role for women.

1. Estrogen
This hormone is a diva in women. Estrogen reaches its peak at puberty and gradually decreased until finally exhausted and women entering the menopause period. In addition to regulating the menstrual cycle, hormonal fluctuations are also often lead to premenstrual syndrome.
Excessive estrogen levels can lead to various diseases, such as endometriosis or breast cancer. But too little estrogen can also cause abnormalities of the ovaries.

2. Progesterone
Progesterone is a balancing estrogen. When estrogen is enlarging, progesterone vice versa. So if estrogen causes fluid retention, then the progesterone helps the body remove excess fluid.

Are both produced in the ovaries, progesterone and estrogen work together to prepare a woman's body deal with conception, pregnancy, and help regulate menstrual cycles. When progesterone production is no longer able to balance estrogen in the premenopuase, usually a woman will experience insomnia or anxiety.

3. Testosterone
The hormone testosterone is synonymous with men, but these hormones are also present in a woman's body even though the levels are small. Produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries, women's testosterone levels rise and fall of each month according to the menstrual cycle. Function of this hormone is to increase energy, mental acuity, and libido. If testosterone fell, demkian also the case with sexual arousal.

7 Interesting Facts Female Breast

7 Interesting Facts Female Breast
For each woman, the breast is one of the most valuable asset of their bodies. In addition to symbolizing the beauty and femininity, the fact also shows that the breast can arouse sexual desire.

Actually, there are many more shocking facts about breast cancer, who previously may never know. Here are 7 interesting facts about women's breasts, as described in the Times of India:

1. The left breast is usually larger
It is rather difficult to see. However, generally the size of the left breast is always bigger than the right. The size and shape of both breasts may not be the same. In fact, the nipple also vary in size from each other.

2. There is a fine hair on the nipples
Growth of fine hairs on his chest may be used. But what if this happens to women? True. Women also have hair that grows in the breast, on the nipple area. In fact, blackheads and acne can also appear on your breast.

3. The average woman's breasts weighed 0.5 kg
The average breast weighs about 0.5 kilograms. Each breast accounts for 4-5 percent of body fat. Thus, 1 percent of the total weight of a woman's body from fat in the breast. Breasts can be enlarged when the female adulthood. But remember, women smokers tend to have sagging breasts than those who do not smoke.

4. More than 2 million women have fake breasts
Call it like Pamela Anderson and Katie Price. More than 2 million women have breast implants. This figure shows that many women consider their breasts. But in reality, not all women who have breast surgery are satisfied with the results obtained. Research shows that the average age of women using the implant was 34 years old.

5. Breasts become larger when aroused
Just as the penis, the breast will enlarge and become tense when aroused. This is true of the nipple.

6. Breast becomes uncomfortable when shaken
A number of fission activity such as jogging, walking, and aerobics can cause shaking or shocks in the breast. Therefore, wear a bra with the right size to minimize the movement so that you can also reduce pain in the breast. Remember, the primary function of the bra is to protect the health of your breasts.

7. Breasts can change shape
It sounds a bit ridiculous, but the tummy during sleep is believed to alter the shape of the breast. Important to always keep the sleeping position in the right conditions so as to maintain the firmness and shape of your breasts. The best sleeping position is to sleep sideways and use a pillow as a cushion to keep the breast form is maintained during sleep.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Anemia is known to the public as less blood disease. The disease is experienced by vulnerable children, pregnant women, women, and workers in general. There are two types of anemia are known so far is anemic and non-nutrient malnutrition.

Anemia is a state of nutritional anemia due to deficiency of nutrients required for the formation and the production of red blood cells, both the quality and quantity.

Nutritional anemia itself there are several kinds, namely:

  1. Iron nutritional anemia, occurs due to insufficient supply of iron (Fe). Iron is the core of the hemoglobin molecule which is a major element in red blood cells. Thus, the supply shortage of iron can lead to decreased production of hemoglobin.
  2. Nutritional anemia of vitamin E, vitamin E is an essential factor for red blood cell integrity. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to the integrity of red blood cell walls become weak and not normal so it is very sensitive to hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells)
  3. Nutritional anemia folic acid, often referred to as megaloblastic or macrocytic anemia. In this case the state of red blood cells the patient is not normally characterized by larger ones, are few, and not yet mature.
  4. Nutritional anemia or vitamin B12 is also called pernicious. Symptoms are similar to symptoms of anemia folic acid, but is accompanied by disturbances in the digestive system inside.
  5. Nutritional anemia or vitamin B6 also called siderotic. The situation is similar to iron nutritional anemia, but if the blood were tested in the laboratory, normal serum iron.

Non-nutritional anemia can occur due to bleeding, such as injuries due to accidents, menstruation, or blood diseases like thalassemia genetic (DNA damage), hemophilia (blood clotting disorder), and others.


  • Experiencing 4 L (weak, lethargic, tired, and tired).
  • Pale face.
  • Limbs such as hands and feet feel numb.
  • Eyes dizzy.
  • Heart beat faster.
  • Less passionate.


  • Iron deficiency occurs so that the cell size reduction of red blood cells (microcytic). That caused the low content of hemoglobin (hypochromic) and the reduced number of red blood cells.
  • And folic acid deficiency or vitamin Bn. Both substances are needed in the formation of nucleoprotein to the maturation process of red blood cells in bone marrow.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency and disorders of the digestive system along the inside. In the chronic type that can damage brain cells and abnormal fatty acids into the cell wall and its position in the neural network change. It is feared, the patient will experience a psychiatric disorder.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B5 would interfere with the synthesis (formation) hemoglobin. Handling can be done by providing nutritional supplements of vitamin B6 orally at a dose of 50-200 mg / day or as recommended by a doctor of nutrition.


  • Eating foods the main source of iron, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 such as meat and vegetables according to the recommended dietary allowance.
  • Conduct laboratory tests to determine the content of B12 in the blood so that it can distinguish between normal with anemia pernicious anemia. If it turns out normal levels of vitamin B12, it can be done with a dose of folic acid from 0.1 to 1.0 mg / day.
  • Do blood tests regularly to see the profile of the blood and prevent anemia.


Amenorrhea is a disorder in the female reproductive system, thus making it not menstruate regularly every month. Amenorrhea is divided into two types, namely primary and secondary amenorrhea.

In primary amenorrhea, menstruation does not occur at all. Though normally a young woman who first menstruation (menarche) at the age of 9-18 years. A young woman will be sentenced experience amenonhea primary if at the age of 16 years still has not menstruate.

The secondary amenorrheo occur in women who previously had experienced a period, but then the cycle is stopped for no reason he knows.


The menstrual cycle stopped, either directly or in stages.


  • Drastic weight loss (due to poverty, poor dieting, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, a very heavy physical activity and other causes).
  • Extreme obesity.
  • Chronic illness sustained in a long time.
  • Female genital organ abnormalities (absence of the uterus, vagina, vaginal septum, cervical stenosis, and the hymen is too thick).
  • Body abnormalities such as hypoglycemia (blood sugar levels are abnormally low), hypothyroidism (thyroid gland is underactive), hyperthyroidism (thyroid glands work excessively), cystic fibrosis (a disease that is derived or inherited from the glands of mucus and sweat), or Cushing's disease (excessive levels of corticosteroid).
  • Women who have had polycystic ovarian disease disorders have a high risk of disease Amenorrhea.
  • The existence of diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner syndrome or Sawyer syndrome.
  • Levels of prolactin hormone in the body is high (hyperprolactinaemia).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Stress.
  • The imbalance of the female reproductive hormone system mechanisms.

  • If amenorrhea occurs because of congenital diseases and syndromes such as Turner syndrome or Sawyer because of abnormalities in genital organs, the disease is not preventable.
  • Keeping the weight balance that is not too fat (obese) or too thin.
  • Doing a good healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, exercise regularly, and live happily.
  • Stay away from the stressor.


Hemorrhoid is the swelling of the anus walls occur either outside or inside the anus. As early detection, to the outer wall of the anus can we hold. For the inside of the anus, we can touch it by inserting a finger into the anus.


  • Swelling of the outer wall of the anus or the inside.
  • If the bowel movement, it hurt.
  • Initially it started with difficulty defecating.


  • Hereditary factors. Child who was born of parents who suffer from hemorrhoid is more prone to constipation than those without.
  • Consume less fruits and fibrous foods.
  • Many eating spicy foods.
  • Too much sitting.
  • Lack of exercise.

  • Eating lots of fibrous foods, like fruits and vegetables to facilitate defecation.
  • Reduce consumption of fatty foods or too spicy.
  • Drink plenty of water to facilitate the movement of food in the intestine.
  • Doing regular physical activity can also facilitate the movement of the intestines, so that helps in smooth bowel movements.


Alzheimer's is the type of disease that makes the human brain power decreases, until one tingkattertentu will make a person lose the ability to think clearly and control anything about done.

Alzheimer's is common in elderly people. Alzheimer's is a disease that causes dementia sufferers experience. There are various things yangmenyebabkan occurrence of dementia, but still not clearly articulated the causes of Alzheimer's or dementia in the elderly this.


  • Memory loss or quickly forgotten.
  • Loss of ability to communicate.
  • Loss of ability or physical capabilities.


  • High levels of aluminum in brain tissue.
  • High levels of copper, iron, and zinc in brain tissue. Metal elements are assumed as a catalyst (substance reaction accelerator) that accelerates the occurrence of this disease because it increases oxidative stress in cells.
  • By accumulation of metabolic waste, in the form of free radicals produced by brain cells in the brain cells themselves, may interfere with energy production so that production was declining. In addition, free radicals generated by cells can also attack nerve cells that make communication capabilities to be reduced. In the brain vulnerable, blow free radicals can destroy the nerve and lead to dementia.
  • There is one hypothesis that dementia has been linked either directly or with hyperhomocysteinaemia in the elderly. Hiperhomosfsteinemia is excess levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Hyperhomocysteinaemia is associated with low concentrations of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.
  • As we know that carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are nutritional components that act as brain food. However, optimization of the role of vitamins and minerals necessary ditunjangdengan that serves to optimize the metabolism of these nutritional components. While we also understand that the process of aging is also associated with a decreased ability of the digestibility.
  • Lack of exercise and train the brain.


  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Many train the brain by reading, thinking, or other brain activity.
  • Socializing with how to form or join a group.
  • Many eat fish that contain omega 3 and omega 6.
  • Avoiding the bad fats, saturated fats, or fast food high in fat and sodium.
  • Keeping the weight balance.


Allergies are the clinical symptoms include itching, skin redness, small spots evenly distributed throughout the body, or bump-bump wide with a surface higher than the surrounding skin, which arise after a person eating food or touching something with a particular ingredient.

Allergies can be caused by food and also a variety of substances other causes such as weather, dust, and so on. Allergies caused by food or other cause can spur the immune system to fight it and produce histomin (amine type compounds are involved in local immune responses, other than that these compounds also play a role in the regulation of physiological functions in the stomach and as a neurotransmitter) and other chemicals in in the body.

This is what eventually led to the rejection of the body, a runny nose, itchy eyes, dry throat, itching and redness of the skin rash, nausea, and diarrhea.


  • Itchy skin, itching either mild or severe in degree. In addition to itching, skin also have eczema, rash, redness, or biduran.
  • Thickened lips, face and other body parts appear swollen.
  • Sneezing, difficulty breathing, and runny nose.
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Headaches and dizzy eye.
  • Fast heart rate, shock, severe blood pressure drop, and loss of consciousness.


  • Allergens in each person is different, but the reaction caused by allergies are relatively the same. The following are some causes of allergies.
  • Of food. Usually foods that can cause allergies are foods that contain high protein, such as cow's milk, egg whites, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, fish, corn, beans, shrimp, squid, shellfish, and others.
  • Dust and animal dander.
  • Cold or hot.
  • Formalin.
  • Pollen.
  • Mushroom.
  • Certain drugs.


  • For allergies that are congenital or hereditary usually can not be prevented.
  • For allergies to common causes, such as dust or food, can be prevented to stay away from allergens.
  • Using masks for those who are allergic to dust or pollen.
  • Maintain cleanliness of residence, home or office.
  • Strengthen our immune system by eating lots of foods that are high berantioksidan, such as vegetables and fruits.