Sensual Lips

SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it.

Beatifull Skin

PROTECT YOUR SKIN FROM THE SUN Human skin is the outermost part of the body. With a surface area of skin between about 1.6 square meters for a woman to 1.8 square meters for a man, make the skin become the largest organ in the human body and spacious. However, the skin can be damaged, especially by the sun. Sunlight on the skin can cause skin cancer.

Eye Pouch

EYE POUCH All women who exist in this world would agree that the lower eyelids is one of the greatest scourge that must be avoided. Eye bags, ruin the appearance and make us face to women, be not pretty. Eye bags also make us less confident at the time should appear in front publilk. In essence, the eye bags making our face is not good in view of the eye.

Aedes aegypti

Outbreaks of dengue fever that attracted worldwide attention first appeared in Manila in 1954. Most cases of dengue fever occurred in the country located in the tropics and subtropics. This is not surprising because the mosquitoes love with a warm environment to live. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a carrier of the disease dengue fever virus.

How to Process a Dream?

Dream is closely related to sleep. The occurrence of what he dreamed a dream and sometimes becomes an intriguing question, so you'll want to know what happens when we sleep. Each fall asleep, we generally must have been dreaming. Within 8 hours of sleep, the average person experiencing the dream as long as 100 minutes. However, most of which occurs not remember dreams. There are about 95% of dreams are not remembered.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Overcoming High Blood Pressure or Hypertension


High blood pressure or hypertension has become a common disease for many people today, especially for those living in urban areas. High blood pressure or hypertension is one factor causes of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. And the worst excesses of this disease is death. Therefore, if you can, this disease must be prevented. If you have high blood pressure, you can control this disease. How to prevent and control high blood pressure or hypertension?

Blood Pressure
Before discussing the high blood pressure or hypertension, you should know ahead of time about blood pressure. When you perform a physical examination or clinical examination to the doctor, usually there is a special tool used by doctors to check blood pressure. Tools to check blood pressure sphigmomanometer or also known as tensimeter. There are digital and there is also tensimeter tensimeter mercury that is still commonly used for clinical examination.
The doctor will perform blood pressure checks by having you sit or lie down, because it is the best position to measure blood pressure. Then the doctor will usually bind with an air bag on his right arm on the arm unless there are injuries. After that, blood pressure measurement. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure.

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in the arteries when the heart pumps blood to all members of the human body. Blood pressure is created by taking two sizes and usually there are two numbers that will be called by the doctor. For example, doctors call 140-90, it will mean is 140/90 mmHg. The first number (140) shows the upward pressure due to pulsation of the arteries when the heart or heart beat or beats, and is called the systolic pressure is often called upon pressure. The second number (90) shows the pressure when the heart is at rest in between pumping, and is called diastolic pressure, or often also referred under pressure.

Younger Tips

Younger Tips

Every woman would want to look beautiful and youthful. However, errors in the pattern of living, eating, or other causes of stress can make us and make us not look bright. Each man would crave a youthful face. So, for you to continue to look youthful and fresh, the following tips that you can apply.

  • Positive Thinking
The mind indeed is the part that really affect our bodies. Stress can cause disease. Similarly, in your face, too much thinking can make your face look older. So, think positive and always accept whatever your problem as something good.

  • Select the appropriate cosmetic products
One of choosing beauty products, may adversely affect your face. Then, identify your skin type and use the appropriate product. Do not be affected by the price or a particular brand, but use completely according to your skin.

UV rays in sunlight can cause spots and wrinkles on the face. Protect your face by using a sunscreen if you must leave the house. So your face will still look clean.

  • Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
The content of vitamins and minerals contained in fruits and vegetables is very useful for fresh faces. Your health would be better to consume them.

  • Get enough sleep every day
Adequate sleep helps the body to repair damaged cells. So, get your sleep at least 8 hours a day for these needs fulfilled.

  • Exercise regularly
Although sometimes difficult to make time to exercise because they feel tired after a day of activity, but insist that you take the time to exercise at least 2 times a week, for your health is maintained.

  • Make Up appropriately
With a few makeup tricks that right, you too can look young and beautiful.