Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Alzheimer's is the type of disease that makes the human brain power decreases, until one tingkattertentu will make a person lose the ability to think clearly and control anything about done.

Alzheimer's is common in elderly people. Alzheimer's is a disease that causes dementia sufferers experience. There are various things yangmenyebabkan occurrence of dementia, but still not clearly articulated the causes of Alzheimer's or dementia in the elderly this.


  • Memory loss or quickly forgotten.
  • Loss of ability to communicate.
  • Loss of ability or physical capabilities.


  • High levels of aluminum in brain tissue.
  • High levels of copper, iron, and zinc in brain tissue. Metal elements are assumed as a catalyst (substance reaction accelerator) that accelerates the occurrence of this disease because it increases oxidative stress in cells.
  • By accumulation of metabolic waste, in the form of free radicals produced by brain cells in the brain cells themselves, may interfere with energy production so that production was declining. In addition, free radicals generated by cells can also attack nerve cells that make communication capabilities to be reduced. In the brain vulnerable, blow free radicals can destroy the nerve and lead to dementia.
  • There is one hypothesis that dementia has been linked either directly or with hyperhomocysteinaemia in the elderly. Hiperhomosfsteinemia is excess levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Hyperhomocysteinaemia is associated with low concentrations of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.
  • As we know that carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are nutritional components that act as brain food. However, optimization of the role of vitamins and minerals necessary ditunjangdengan that serves to optimize the metabolism of these nutritional components. While we also understand that the process of aging is also associated with a decreased ability of the digestibility.
  • Lack of exercise and train the brain.


  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Many train the brain by reading, thinking, or other brain activity.
  • Socializing with how to form or join a group.
  • Many eat fish that contain omega 3 and omega 6.
  • Avoiding the bad fats, saturated fats, or fast food high in fat and sodium.
  • Keeping the weight balance.

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