Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Beautiful Skin


Human skin is the outermost part of the body. With a surface area of skin between about 1.6 square meters for a woman to 1.8 square meters for a man, make the skin become the largest organ in the human body and spacious. However, the skin can be damaged, especially by the sun. Sunlight on the skin can cause skin cancer. The extent to which harmful sun rays to the skin? How to protect your skin from dangerous sun rays?

Sun Rays to Human Influence

The sun is essential to life. Without the sun, there is no life on earth. Sun contribute to the process of photosynthesis in plants. In addition, the sun also acts to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D, which serves to memetabolisasi calcium, to form strong bones.

Sunlight, if a little is beneficial for the body. However, excessive sunlight can be harmful to the skin. Even the hazard can increase with increasing number of rays on the skin. Why?

The sun produces radiation that reaches the earth's surface. Solar radiation is composed of infrared rays and visible light and ultraviolet light within a radius of A and B (UVA and UVB). Fortunately, the atmosphere absorbs cosmic rays, gamma rays and X-ray beam produced by the sun. In addition, the ozone layer in the atmosphere also inhibits ultraviolet radiation C (UVC) and filter out most of the UVA and UVB. Unfortunately, the ozone layer is being damaged at various places so that ultraviolet radiation is often called UV has increased lately.

Ultraviolet or UV radiation can cause skin damage, even permanent skin damage including skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) can cause your skin to burn, and cause brown spots and thickening and dryness of the skin. UV radiation can damage DNA, suppress immunity, and activate the chemicals in the body that can cause cancer. Another negative effect is premature aging. Even later revealed that UVA radiation penetrates the skin deeper than UVB, which can cause skin cancer, and may suppress the immune system.

Protecting Skin from Sun

Your skin has a natural protection system is a layer of melanin. The more brown color of your skin then the thick layer of melanin in your skin thus giving more protection for your skin. Therefore, at very low among the African people getting skin cancer because of their natural protective immune enough to block the ultraviolet radiation (UV). However, for those who are white have a thin layer of melanin. Therefore, the white skin, the more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation (UV).

Given the dangers of ultraviolet radiation (UV) sun, the skin should be protected even if the body has provided a natural protection system. Radiation burns due to the sun can be skin cancer 20 years later or more. Therefore, protection for the skin to sunlight need to be considered early. How do I do this? Here are some practical ways to protect your skin from dangerous sun rays and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

  •     Limit exposure to direct sunlight, especially between the hours of 10:00 until 16:00. Because at that ultraviolet radiation (UV) which is at its peak that is dangerous when the sun is hot-hot.
  •     Check all of your skin whether or not there are abnormalities at least every three months.
  •     Before doing activities outdoors, use sunscreen (UV protection) with the level of broad spectrum SPF 15 or higher. Also use a sunscreen that can protect from UVA and UVB radiation (see the article Sunscreen for further explanation). Apply sunscreen to the skin surface about 20 minutes before you are exposed to sunlight, then apply again after 20 minutes of direct sunlight.
  •     Apply more sunscreen every two hours when outdoors, especially if you're swimming or sweating. Sunscreen easily be lost because of sweat and towels.
  •     Wear clothing that protects the skin like a hat with a wide lip hat, sunglasses with UV protective lenses, long pants, long-sleeved clothing or jackets.
  •     We recommend that you wear clothes that knitting meeting with a dark color because it gives more protection.
  •     Begin to protect the skin from an early age to teach your children about the dangers of the sun during the day.
  •     Avoid surfaces that reflect sunlight, such as water, sand, polish floors. Give extra attention to your skin if you are in the area.
  •     As much as possible you take cover or move in a place not exposed to the scorching sun.

Protect Your Skin

Sunlight is essential for life on earth. However, you need to consider seriously how to protect yourself from the sun. By taking steps to protect your skin from the sun will greatly reduce the possibility of damage to your skin and the development of skin cancer. Use sunscreen and protect the health of your skin so your skin still looks lovely and fresh. 

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