Sensual Lips

SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Excessive Fear Can Trigger Stroke

Almost everyone has experienced moments when feeling anxious and afraid. This condition is very annoying and can affect the lives of those who often experience that can sometimes trigger depression. Not only that, a recent research indicates that even people who have fear or anxiety have a greater risk of stroke. This research involved approximately 1082 older adults without comorbidities such as dementia, which is then assessed levels of anxiety using a measuring instrument. Having observed during the three and a half years, there were 258 participants who died. To find out the cause, then the researchers conducted an autopsy on the brain...

Caffeine Affect Women's Hormone Levels

Caffeine levels were causing changes in female sex hormone, estrogen. Although in the short term effect is not known, but excessive caffeine consumption should be limited in the long run. Estrogen together with progesterone produced in the ovaries in the reproductive period. In addition to helping to control ovulation, estrogen to maintain bone strength and regulate cholesterol. Together with progesterone, the hormone needed to prepare the body of a woman facing a pregnancy. Consume 200 milligrams of caffeine or more than one cup of soda and other caffeinated beverages will cause an increase in estrogen levels. The impact of this increase...

Female Sex Hormones Know

The hormone is undoubtedly a big role in our lives. In the female sex hormones work together in an intricate pattern, so that the function of the reproductive cycle running smoothly. The main female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone is produced mainly in the ovaries in the reproductive period. Women in all stages of life, function and production of sex hormones is also varied. Although the childhood of new active hormones at puberty, actually affects the body's hormones have since in the womb. If we look at, often newborn babies (male or female) have breasts that look great, sometimes followed by the release of a little milk. This happens...

3 Important Hormones for Women

The scientists discovered at least 50 different types of hormones are wandering in our bloodstream. However, all three of these hormones are very important role for women. 1. Estrogen This hormone is a diva in women. Estrogen reaches its peak at puberty and gradually decreased until finally exhausted and women entering the menopause period. In addition to regulating the menstrual cycle, hormonal fluctuations are also often lead to premenstrual syndrome. Excessive estrogen levels can lead to various diseases, such as endometriosis or breast cancer. But too little estrogen can also cause abnormalities of the ovaries. 2. Progesterone Progesterone is a balancing estrogen. When estrogen is enlarging, progesterone vice versa. So if estrogen causes fluid retention, then the progesterone helps...

7 Interesting Facts Female Breast

7 Interesting Facts Female Breast For each woman, the breast is one of the most valuable asset of their bodies. In addition to symbolizing the beauty and femininity, the fact also shows that the breast can arouse sexual desire. Actually, there are many more shocking facts about breast cancer, who previously may never know. Here are 7 interesting facts about women's breasts, as described in the Times of India: 1. The left breast is usually larger It is rather difficult to see. However, generally the size of the left breast is always bigger than the right. The size and shape of both breasts may not be the same. In fact, the...

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Anemia is known to the public as less blood disease. The disease is experienced by vulnerable children, pregnant women, women, and workers in general. There are two types of anemia are known so far is anemic and non-nutrient malnutrition. Anemia is a state of nutritional anemia due to deficiency of nutrients required for the formation and the production of red blood cells, both the quality and quantity. Nutritional anemia itself there are several kinds, namely: Iron nutritional anemia, occurs due to insufficient supply of iron (Fe). Iron is the core of the hemoglobin molecule which is a major element in red blood cells. Thus, the supply shortage of iron can lead to decreased production of hemoglobin. Nutritional anemia of vitamin E, vitamin E is an essential factor for red blood cell...


Amenorrhea is a disorder in the female reproductive system, thus making it not menstruate regularly every month. Amenorrhea is divided into two types, namely primary and secondary amenorrhea. In primary amenorrhea, menstruation does not occur at all. Though normally a young woman who first menstruation (menarche) at the age of 9-18 years. A young woman will be sentenced experience amenonhea primary if at the age of 16 years still has not menstruate. The secondary amenorrheo occur in women who previously had experienced a period, but then the cycle is stopped for no reason he knows. Signs The menstrual cycle stopped, either directly or in stages. Cause Drastic weight loss (due to poverty, poor dieting, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, a very heavy physical activity and other causes). Extreme...


Hemorrhoid is the swelling of the anus walls occur either outside or inside the anus. As early detection, to the outer wall of the anus can we hold. For the inside of the anus, we can touch it by inserting a finger into the anus. Signs Swelling of the outer wall of the anus or the inside. If the bowel movement, it hurt. Initially it started with difficulty defecating. Cause Hereditary factors. Child who was born of parents who suffer from hemorrhoid is more prone to constipation than those without. Consume less fruits and fibrous foods. Many eating spicy foods. Too much sitting. Lack of exercise. Prevention Eating lots of fibrous foods, like fruits and vegetables to facilitate defecation. Reduce consumption of fatty foods or too spicy. Drink plenty of water to facilitate the movement...


Alzheimer's is the type of disease that makes the human brain power decreases, until one tingkattertentu will make a person lose the ability to think clearly and control anything about done. Alzheimer's is common in elderly people. Alzheimer's is a disease that causes dementia sufferers experience. There are various things yangmenyebabkan occurrence of dementia, but still not clearly articulated the causes of Alzheimer's or dementia in the elderly this. Signs Memory loss or quickly forgotten. Loss of ability to communicate. Loss of ability or physical capabilities. Cause High levels of aluminum in brain tissue. High levels of copper, iron, and zinc in brain tissue. Metal elements are assumed as a catalyst (substance reaction accelerator) that accelerates the occurrence of this disease...


Allergies are the clinical symptoms include itching, skin redness, small spots evenly distributed throughout the body, or bump-bump wide with a surface higher than the surrounding skin, which arise after a person eating food or touching something with a particular ingredient. Allergies can be caused by food and also a variety of substances other causes such as weather, dust, and so on. Allergies caused by food or other cause can spur the immune system to fight it and produce histomin (amine type compounds are involved in local immune responses, other than that these compounds also play a role in the regulation of physiological functions in the stomach and as a neurotransmitter) and other chemicals in in the body. This is what eventually led to the rejection of the body, a runny nose, itchy...

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