Sensual Lips

SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it.

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Sensual Lips

 SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it. In the sex was the main attraction. Seeking attention can show something better, better clothes, jewelry and so forth. But with Sensual Lips You also can attract the attention of others. Here are tips to make your lips become Sensual : When using makeup base (moisturizer, foundation and powder) on the face makeup is also rubbed on the lips. With the ever older Apply lipstick using a lipstick brush to the entire lip. Apply...

How to get Smooth Stomach

HOW TO GET SMOOTH STOMACH Smooth belly, Belly craving   There are several ways that you can follow to obtain stomach taut, smooth and rata.Bagi most women the ideal body is healthy and slim body, including a flat stomach, toned, and smooth. Thus, various uapaya performed to obtain the desired shape. Many ways are offered from traditional to modern with high tech tools. Why the Stomach does not smooth?Stomach uneven and not smooth can occur because of fatty deposits, or due to run out melahirkan.Lemak indeed the main cause stomach looks not smooth. Excess fat in the body, precisely under the skin tissue, called the deposition of fat...

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

DHF Treatment

There is no specific drug to cure dengue fever. So, things you can do to help cure people affected by this disease are :    Give a febrifuge or paracetamol.   Apply heat for not too high. Compress should be done with warm water, not with cold water or ice.    Cold water can cause shivering patient so the body gets hot.     Drink lots of water. Patients with DHF usually be deprived of fluid, the water is very good for them. Water can also help reduce the heat. In addition to water, can also provide liquid oral rehydration salts to help healing.       Meals are nutritious. Actually there are no dietary restrictions for patients with DHF. Provide nutritious food for the body to be strong and to fight dengue virus. Fruits and...

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Dangers of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

There are 4 types of Dengue disease. So, someone who has been affected by dengue fever, does not mean he will not be affected by this disease because there are 3 other types that can cause fever as well. When exposed to dengue, a person will have 3 phases. The first isis the phase of fever during the first 3 days . Continues on next 3 days which is a critical phase. In this phase, the fever had not occurred, but in this phase must be vigilant so as not to be fooled with regard has been recovered and no treatment. Three days later the healing phase. One of the dangers of dengue fever is considered experienced as usual so it is considered a mild fever and did not get special treatment. Moreover, in the second phase, usually fever has come down so it is considered cur...

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

A person infected with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), generally show the following symptoms :        High fever continued. Body temperature around 39-40 degrees Celsius.       This causes headaches in people.       Fever without a cough.       Upset stomach or nausea.       Body feels stiff or pain in the joints.       Appears red spots, but this does not always happen in every case. If any member of your family shows these symptoms, you should immediately take it to the doctor to get treatment. Do not let the fever for too long because it can lead to late to help. To be more exact, you can do blood chec...

Aedes aegypti

Outbreaks of dengue fever that attracted worldwide attention first appeared in Manila in 1954. Most cases of dengue fever occurred in the country located in the tropics and subtropics. This is not surprising because the mosquitoes love with a warm environment to live. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a carrier of the disease dengue fever virus. How to spread via mosquitoes that bite a person who had been infected with dengue virus. This virus will be carried in the mosquito salivary glands. Then the mosquito bites a healthy person. Along with terhisapnya blood of healthy people, the virus of dengue fever was also moved to that person and cause healthy...

Dengue Fever Alert

Dengue fever or DHF usually attack during the rainy season. Moreover, our country including tropical country which is the favorite living places for mosquitoes. This fever can be a deadly disease if not promptly treated. In particular, children often become the target of mosquito bites that cause this disease. As a parent, you should try to prevent children and all family members to avoid this disease. Also need to act swiftly if a family member who showed symptoms of dengue fever. Arm yourself with information about this disease in order to help the negative consequences of the disease dengue hemorrhagic fev...

Process Delivery in Infants

During pregnancy, the fetus stay safely on the prospective mother's womb. In this protected place, the fetus gets a nutritious meal, protected and continue to grow until finally forming a complete fetal organs and is ready to be born. This process can continue to take place because the cervix is ​​closed tightly so that the fetus can continue to live safely in the womb for approximately 9 months. After completion of pregnancy, the fetus is now ready to get out of the womb in the birth process. An expectant mother who would give birth, it usually will begin with a feeling of heartburn in the stomach contractions that caused movement in the muscles of the uterus. Unpleasant taste and make the pain a prospective mother. Then, to prepare a way out for the baby, the cervix begins to thin, soften...

How to Process Childbirth Baby?

Once contain or be a period of gestation for 37 to 42 weeks, now comes the moment that awaited and thrilling. An expectant mother must undergo the process of labor to get the coveted baby. This process also experienced all of us, but of course we do not remember how these events, the events when you get out of the mother's womb. Let's find out just what happened during the first time in your li...

What a dream last night?

What caused me to dream like that? Maybe it's a question that is on your mind when dreaming about something. What will we dream depends on several things. Impression and of great impression on our memory when no sleep can be one factor. Routines which we live also can cause it to be our dream. For example, office work hard to make us dream about work.  Sometimes, we get a dream about the solution of problems faced. For example, we dream about the answer to an exam. This is evidence that during sleep, the thought process can still take place. Dreams are often regarded as a flower bed really is something unique that accompany sleep. Activities...

Why Dreaming?

What causes us to experience the dream is the brain. As a center of activity, the brain always got a message from the five senses and regulates the activities of what will be done at the time did not sleep. For example, the brain translates brown wall color, the brain helps to recognize the taste of the food eaten, and many other roles of the brain. During sleep, the five senses of your body does not work, but the brain still works, even the brain are more active when we are dreaming than when we wake up and move. Therefore, the brain can create images of the imagination without any sensory role. This is a dream. Interestingly, during dreaming, muscles in the inactive state, preventing us to play what is experienced in dreams. Although, the dream seemed very real but with non-functioning...

How to Process a Dream?

Dream is closely related to sleep. The occurrence of what he dreamed a dream and sometimes becomes an intriguing question, so you'll want to know what happens when we sleep. Each fall asleep, we generally must have been dreaming. Within 8 hours of sleep, the average person experiencing the dream as long as 100 minutes. However, most of which occurs not remember dreams. There are about 95% of dreams are not remembered. Dreams occur during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) of a sleep cycle. While we remember the dream that dreams usually occur a few moments before getting up from sle...

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