Sensual Lips

SENSUAL LIPS Every woman would want to have a beautiful or sensual lips, because it also included the attraction for them. In order to make the eyes that looked definitely fixed, then it is definitely the women crave it.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Overcoming High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

OVERCOMING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR HYPERTENSION High blood pressure or hypertension has become a common disease for many people today, especially for those living in urban areas. High blood pressure or hypertension is one factor causes of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. And the worst excesses of this disease is death. Therefore, if you can, this disease must be prevented. If you have high blood pressure, you can control this disease. How to prevent and control high blood pressure or hypertension? Blood Pressure Before discussing the high blood pressure or hypertension, you should know ahead of time about blood pressure. When you perform a physical examination or clinical examination to the doctor, usually there is a special tool used by doctors to check blood pressure. Tools to...

Younger Tips

Younger Tips Every woman would want to look beautiful and youthful. However, errors in the pattern of living, eating, or other causes of stress can make us and make us not look bright. Each man would crave a youthful face. So, for you to continue to look youthful and fresh, the following tips that you can apply. Positive Thinking The mind indeed is the part that really affect our bodies. Stress can cause disease. Similarly, in your face, too much thinking can make your face look older. So, think positive and always accept whatever your problem as something good. Select the appropriate cosmetic products One of choosing beauty products, may...

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Benefits for Breast Tempe

BENEFITS FOR BREAST TEMPE Scientific Proof that soy beneficial for the prevention of cancer appear to continue to grow. Nuts are rich in protein content is believed to be having an enormous potential against the growth of breast cancer, especially if consumed since puberty. Researchers from Georgetown Medical Center research report published in British Journal of Cancer emphasizes that women should eat high ABG made from soy if you want to avoid the risk of breast cancer. In soybeans, according to investigators contained a kind of important chemical called genistein that is claimed to be effective against cancer. Nevertheless, major challenges...

Vulnerable Body Miscarriage

Having a lean body without the fat is often a measure of beauty for women, whereas women are thin in danger of having a miscarriage during pregnancy. Similarly, according to research conducted by a team of researchers from the UK. Women who are classified as thin or have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of less than 18.5 to 75 percent risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. Not yet known whether women who are overweight or obese are also at risk of miscarriage. In the cases studied by the research team on 603 women who had a miscarriage when the fetus was 13 weeks, after his BMI increased 116 women got past the first trimester of pregnancy with the current. BMI is weight divided by the height squared. Classified as normal BMI ranges from 18.5 to 23.0 whereas a BMI more than 25.0...

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

The Things That Can Cause Miscarriage

Miscarriage is the most feared by every pregnant woman. Miscarriage is a condition in which the occurrence of pregnancy interruption or failure of the fetus that resulted in the release of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic sac from the body. Events miscarriage occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy USI. What are the things that cause miscarriage? Here's a more detailed explanation about the cause of miscarriage: The most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities of children who were developing. That this may occur due to genetic defects in the fetus (fetus failure) caused by problems with egg or sperm cells that carry genetic...

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Healthy After Smoothing

HEALTHY AFTER SMOOTHING Smoothing process like rebounding. The difference, smoothing using selected materials that do not make straight hair became stiff. However, although smooth and straight, hair can be blow to swell, so that no visible limp. The hair on the smoothing becomes problematic if you are lazy to care. Hair becomes damaged, the hair becomes dry and rough. Therefore, you need to do extra maintenance, for permanent hair attractive. Smoothing, or hair straightening, make your wayward hair into smooth, soft and naturally straight. Well, good for long-lasting results, perform maintenance akstra like the following : Do not wash it...

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Best Sex Position During Pregnancy

BEST SEX POSITION DURING PREGNANCY If you are pregnant does not mean you can not have sex anymore. You can still perform conjugal relationship during your nine months pregnant unless of course if there are medical reasons and on the advice of your doctor to not have sex. But when the pregnancy is getting bigger then your stomach would be even greater and the time you need to do and find a comfortable sexual positions for you while having sex this. Some of the best sex positions during pregnancy : The position of women over.            This position is most comfortable for many pregnant women, especially since pregnant women can      control the depth of penetration. Wheelbarrow.  This position is usually in mid or advanced pregnancy...

Kamis, 21 April 2011

How To Use The Right Beauty Care Cream

HOW TO USE THE RIGHT BEAUTY CARE CREAM In this post will explain how to use proper skin care cream. By wearing cream or kegantengan facial beauty treatments and skin properly then the face / skin will appear healthier and emit an aura of natural beauty from within yourself. Entropy as a cream Cream is used after facial beauty treatment or your skin is cleaned first. Practical steps are as follows : Clean the first face or your skin with a facial cleanser products / cosmetics natural or artificial skin. Make sure the cleaning products used are minimum standards of product BPOM (national) or international. Do not use cleaning products face / skin with chemical content is too excessive. When using fruits, fruits also make sure that matches your skin. After the face or your skin is cleaned...

Beauty Face Care Routine

BEAUTY FACE CARE ROUTINE Many people do a variety of treatments to maximize his performance. They did not hesitate to choose care from the most expensive, painful, disgusting even for the sake of beautifying themselves. All methods of treatment is done for beauty's face. Facial beauty is important for women. Facial skin healthy and beautiful can support self-confidence for a woman. You'll get skin healthy and beautiful by doing some simple routine maintenance. In general, women should keep his skin from a variety of disorders. Measures that should be done is the following : Wash hands thoroughly before touching your face Perform facial skin cleansing in the morning and evening: It should be done at night - even though you did not makeup, because the face easily tainted by pollution. It...

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Thick Hair When Pregnant And Loss During Delivery Why?

Consider a pregnant woman's hair would look better because it is more dense and long fast. But after giving birth so hair loss. Why is that? Most women love to see her hair to be beautiful during pregnancy, but often surprised to find many hair loss within the first few months after giving birth. Quoted from babycenter, while pregnant women experience increased estrogen levels that can prolong the growth phase of hair. This causes only a little hair that is in the resting phase, so the hair becomes thicker and a little loss. But after giving birth, estrogen levels will decrease and make a lot of hair into the resting phase. This drop in estrogen levels that would make a person experiencing hair kerontokkan more than usually good time was combing or shampooing. Normally around 85-95 percent...

Want to Get Pregnant?

Already trying to get pregnant the natural way, but the signs coming months too late did not appear? Calm down, you do not need to panic. Healthy couples who were sometimes must wait several years to get pregnant. Fertilization occurs when a mature egg is released into the oviduct. After the egg is released, you have time 12-14 hours to wait for eggs "met" with the sperm. For most women, ovulation occurs on days 14-16 after the first day of menses, so make sure you do a "duty" you a few days and months in advance. Want to know your obligations are? Avoid heavy exercise This is not the time for you to pursue the target weight loss and body toning. "To give you a chance to get pregnant, the maximum aerobic practice for half an hour, five times a week. You can also make some form of aerobic...

9 Error in Beauty Care

9 Eror in Beauty Care Sometimes, you have to feel to do all beauty treatments correctly. And it's appropriate in every activity. However, often, there are some common mistakes women in beauty treatments. Anything? 1. Model haircuts monotonous Of course, maintaining the model haircuts over the years was inappropriate. Instead, do a small change in your hairstyle for a fresh appearance as a whole. 2. Sleep deprivation Sleep is very important for the skin. During sleep, the enzymes repair work to repair damage, reduce toxins and distributes nutrients to the body's cells. 3. Too avoid fat Lack of dietary fat can cause the skin to become dry,...

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Taking Care Of Natural Beauty

TAKING CARE OF NATURAL BEAUTY Who would not want to look beautiful? Every woman would want to look pretty, especially to please their partners. Beauty can indeed be obtained with the right makeup and match the type face, but the most important is maintaining the natural beauty of the face to face still looks beautiful even without makeup / make-up. Sometimes, as with other women, we often compare our way of beauty treatments with our friends, or even with celebrities. Do not be impetuous; beauty care for someone is not necessarily suitable for others. This is because every woman has unique beauty of each; care for women is different from normal...

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Make up for your wedding day

MAKE UP FOR YOUR WEDDING DAY More importantly you have the best performance on a given day than other days, and no day is more important than your wedding day. This is one days (hopefully) where you are guaranteed to be the star of the show, this is the day where all your friends and family will see you at the same time. This is the day that you commit to spending the rest of the time in your life with someone you love. you have to have the best penamilan more than others, so to help you, we give some tips for your best to look beautiful on your wedding ..  Long before the big day, you should perform skin and nail care. remember, beauty...

Simultaneously bath Relaxation

SIMULTANEOUSLY BATH RELAXATION Sich How can I make your bath more memorable and fresh? And to keep it fresh throughout the day, in carrying out your activities. The trick is easy, start doing once a week ritual in the bathroom with various natural ingredients let you look more fresh. Make sure you really enjoy this ritual that you will not feel bored. Just try the recipe Honey Milk Bath For Soft Skin: Take one cup of powdered milk (can be any brand) a teaspoon of baby oil, two teaspoons of honey mixed with one cup water. Mix all the ingredients were in the bath tub bath tub or small. Use this ingredient to soak while rubbing parts of your...

Olive Fruit Benefits

 OLIVE FRUIT BENEFITS Olive fruit has a content of vitamin A and E and minerals, used olive oil as a beauty therapy to relieve itching and scarring, maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss, maintain the beauty and skin elastici...

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Natural Makeup for Natural Beauty

NATURAL MAKE UP FOR NATURAL BEAUTY Natural makeup is the makeup lasting. This tends to match the makeup applied to all skin types, especially if you have brown skin. Make up is properly used everyday. With make-up is not excessive, you will look naturally beautiful. How to apply natural makeupon the face ? So it looks beautiful in every appearance you. Beauty is a dream for women. Natural Make Up Another term of the natural makeup is makeup transparent, nude makeup or no makeup makeup look. This term is appropriate because someone who applied makeup will look as if no bermake ups. To get a natural look, colors that are used to make up this...

Lupus, Battle of a Lifetime

LUPUS, BATTLE OF LIFETIME Lupus discussed this time is not a young man who becomes a character in the story books that had a popular teenager several years ago. Lupus is a kind of a scary disease. Not yet known for certain causes. Almost all patients with this disease are women. Although this disease is not too much, it never hurts to find out more lupus. And yet known cure, but we give you tips. Lupus Lupus disease is generally a chronic disorder that is immune to the problem. Humans have a functioning immune system to attack foreign substances, viruses, bacteria or germs that can cause disease. However, in patients with lupus, the immune...

Start the Day with Breakfast

START THE DAY WITH BREAKFAST A busy morning is common that experienced by the employees, especially in urban areas. Traffic jams make a bit of time is a precious thing not to be late arriving at the office. As a result, because in a hurry, many people who go to work without breakfast. There are several reasons why someone does not start the day with breakfast. Or also consider eating breakfast in the morning or less important, even is one way to lose weight by reducing the entry of food in the morning. Actually, whether it's important to start the day with breakfast? How to get around so you can routinely do breakfast? What a healthy breakfast...

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Reduce Excess Sweat

REDUCE EXCESS SWEAT Get to know the term hyperhidrosis, which is a condition marked elevated levels of sweat to the outer limits that the body needs. If you often feel your hands or your feet wet with sweat, chances are you have hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis generally attacks the body like hands, feet and underarms. Groin region was also not spared from attack hyperhidrosis. Even on those body parts were found to have a high concentration of sweat glands. But do not worry, there are a few tips that can be applied to reduce excessive sweating due to hyperhidrosis such as the United States expressed Academy of Dermatology. First, use antiperspirants...

Smoking and Your Teeth

SMOKING and YOUR TEETH Various posts and articles that review may be difficult a lot of cigarettes and the dangers posed. but here unfortunately khusu want to review the effects of smoking on oral health and dental. semuga helpful and always ask for advice and feel of this posting more perfect. why smoking is closely associated with oral health? obviously can easily be answered, because the cigarette is inhaled through the mouth (ga I think there are other places to smoke cigarettes. By easy we can see a smoker's lips look darker than the lip of a non-smoker, why? In general we know that there are cigarettes in Indonesia, there are 2 types,...

Meaning Chocolate for Health

MEANING CHOCOLATE FOR HEALTH Maybe you do not believe that chocolate has many health benefits. There have been a myth that chocolate can cause someone got sick! It's simply not true! From some recent research that is done, it is known chocolate did not cause a person to fall ill. Chances are they sick after eating chocolate mixed with other foods. Okay, let's see some benefits of chocolate for our health as follows : Brown serves as an anti-oxidant Andrew Waterhouse of the University of California at Davis found 205 mg of phenolics in 1.5-ounce chocolate bars. Two tablespoons of cocoa powder containing 145 mg of phenolics. The content of...

Beauty Nail Care

BEAUTY NAIL CARE Nail hygiene is very important for us, in addition to maintaining the beauty of the hand also can maintain health. Nails weak, can disebabnya by heredity and disease. How to recover is to wrap with gauze pads, reinforced with clear amplifier combined with a base coating and top coating. Be careful with materials containing formal-dehida because it can result in infection, dryness and irritation. White spots, cause is an injury to the nail growth period and may disappear by itself. To disguise use nail polish. Peeling, reason is weak or brittle nails and cutting the wrong. Protect your nails from impact and scratches, until...

Aloe Vera for Beauty and Health

ALOE VERA FOR BEAUTY AND HEALTH In Indonesia, this plant got the name is quite scary. Plants are also known as aloe vera has few thorns on the leaves do have a leaf that looks creepy, even associated with that horrible reptile. However, behind his name and apparently the less charming, aloe vera has many benefits, both for health and for beauty. So do not be viewed from its name, you do not know even the very unusual properties. Aloe Vera Efficacy of aloe vera for the treatment and beauty has been known since the time of ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. In fact, the queen Cleopatra is famous for its beauty believed to use these plants to...

Senin, 04 April 2011

Identify Metals in Your Body

IDENTIFY METALS IN YOUR BODY To perform its function properly, our bodies need good nutrition. Substances that the body needs not only in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamins. Various metallic substance is also necessary for the body work properly. Any metal that the body needs? What is its function? How many are needed for the body? Iron (Fe)        Function of iron :        Carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and eliminate toxins from the body.             Effect if the deficiency :        The bottom eyelid pale and easily tired.             Effect if the excess :       ...

What is Hypertension?

WHAT IS HYPERYENSION? Simply put, someone said to suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure if systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg. Ideal blood pressure is 120 mmHg for systolic and 80 mmHg for diastolic. In many cases, both the pressure increase. Systolic blood pressure (top number) is the peak pressure is reached when the heart contracts and blood mempompakan out through the arteries. While diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) was taken when the pressure fell to its lowest point when the heart relaxes and fills the blood back. Increased pressure on closely related hypertension...

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Red Beans Nutrition

RED BEANS NUTRITION Kidney beans actually has the ability to cope with various diseases, among them capable of reducing damage to blood vessels, capable of lowering blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar concentration, and reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. Nutrient content of red beans are very good for the health of the human body. Dry beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels. Kidney beans contain fat and sodium is very low, almost free of saturated...

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